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Creek Hill Nursery

17 West Main Street
Leola, PA 17540

Sneak Peek 2025

Peek into the future this winter with new varieties from Creek Hill Nursery, formally announced at the January MANTS trade show in Baltimore, Maryland. Available for shipping this spring, these crops can be ordered through your favorite broker, via the Creek Hill shopping cart, or directly by email or phone. Below are a few highlights from this year’s collection.

Winter Sparkle series

A new-to-these-shores line of Hellebores is the Winter Sparkle series, one of the first drama queens to bloom in the early spring. A mix of niger and orientalis, the breeder paid attention to retail details such as upward-facing flowers and bright colors. In the United States, they bloom from about late February into early April with thick, durable petals that keep the plant evergreen on most of the continent.

Spring Sparkle Red

A sister variety to the Winter Sparkles, Spring Sparkle Red blooms a couple of weeks later with an especially large and vibrant flower. It’s only a couple of weeks but in the heavy retail month of May, it makes a difference to some firms in the middle and southern tier states.

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NEW PROGRAM (full line)
AGA Beelicious Pink 21
8 Trays
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AGA Beelicious Pink 72
ANE Dawn Breaker 21
ERY Lapis Blue 72
ERY yuccifolium 21
HEL Winter Sparkle Creme 21
HEL Winter Sparkle Pink 21
HEL Winter Sparkle Red 21
HEL Winter Sparkle White 21

Two Eryngiums

Smokey blue on 'Lapis Blue' runs from the thistle-like top down the stems and into the deeply serrated leaves. One of the deepest blues of the category, it’s dusky, not dark. A useful source of food for the winter bird garden.

The gold standard for supporting a wide range of pollinators native to North America, Eryngium yuccifolium has interesting ornamental features as well: golf ball-like blooms and yucca-style leaves.

Pulmonaria Nova 'Cobalt'

We added Nova 'Cobalt' on the strength of its deeply blue flowers, the deepest we've seen among the Pulmonarias. The plant’s habit is vigorous and wide, and it knits together in a cohesive bed easily. Disease and heat resistance is based on the excellent breeding coming out of Terra Nova.

Variations on a Theme

'Orange Marble' comes from the same aggressive variegation as 'Sunstruck', this time with very bronze leaves under the frosting. Over the top are yellow flowers stained with a blood red eye.

Technically a bicolor, 'French Tips' blurs the meaning with a very smooth color transition from dark pink at the base of the petal to nearly white at the tips. It sounds simple, but for an Echinacea it’s a hard trick to perform.

Anemone 'Dawn Breaker'

Blooms in June! A pink Anemone, yes, but 'Dawn Breaker' is remarkable because it blooms within the most important retail season of the year. For a windflower, the habit is midsized.

Agastache 'Beelicious Pink'

Long-lasting burgundy spires remain from July to September on 'Beelicious Pink', and the spikes are really big. The plant is big too, so it supports a large number of spires. We like how the light pink petals stand out from their dark brushes.

A sneak peek into the future.

The very latest in new cultivars entering production for 2025.

Phone: 888-565-0050
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