Creek Hill focuses its vernalization on the popular cultivars and genera that benefit the most. These plugs give you a stronger start to generate a retail plant with a better finish.
Our full list of vernalized plugs is released toward the end of August. It also appears in our Weekly Availability list. Ask your broker, visit the web site, or contact the front office for your copy.
Next year’s rosettes are formed on the crown during vernalization, so next year’s plant emerges from more growing points.
Next year’s rosettes are formed on the crown during vernalization, so next year’s plant emerges from more growing points.
Next year’s rosettes are formed on the crown during vernalization, so next year’s plant emerges from more growing points.
Next year’s rosettes are formed on the crown during vernalization, so next year’s plant emerges from more growing points.

Some popular varieties won’t bloom in their first year unless they are vernalized first, such as Lavender 'Phenomenal' and Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'.
Some popular varieties won’t bloom in their first year unless they are vernalized first, such as Lavender 'Phenomenal' and Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'.
When perennials go dormant, plants don’t stop growing. They move their energy from the leaves to the roots and crown. That winter growth of roots creates a fuller network to pull water and nutrients from the soil, allowing the plant to start the spring with more vigor.
When perennials go dormant, plants don’t stop growing. They move their energy from the leaves to the roots and crown. That winter growth of roots creates a fuller network to pull water and nutrients from the soil, allowing the plant to start the spring with more vigor.

Vernalization generates more flowers at retail because the plug creates higher bud counts.
Vernalization generates more flowers at retail because the plug creates higher bud counts.
Many perennials use a period of dormancy to determine their spring blooming cycles. A winter bite supplies the trigger to flower on time, not off-schedule. When the domancy is missing, the flowers might bloom at odd times or miss this year’s blooming cycle.
Many perennials use a period of dormancy to determine their spring blooming cycles. A winter bite supplies the trigger to flower on time, not off-schedule. When the domancy is missing, the flowers might bloom at odd times or miss this year’s blooming cycle.
LAV Sensational 72-V
33 Trays
| GO |
LAV Exceptional 72-V
16 Trays
| GO |
LAV Grosso 72-V
11 Trays
| GO |
BAP Twilite Prairieblues 72-V
10 Trays
| GO |
BAP Solar Flare Prairieblues 72-V
10 Trays
| GO |
ECH PowWow Wild Berry 72-V
10 Trays
| GO |
BAP Aurora 72-V
9 Trays
| GO |
SAL May Night 72-V
8 Trays
| GO |
LAV Phenomenal 72-V
6 Trays
| GO |
ECH Magnus 72-V
6 Trays
| GO |
LIM Dazzle Rocks 50-V
5 Trays
| GO |
BAP australis 72-V
4 Trays
| GO |
BAP Lunar Eclipse 72-V
4 Trays
| GO |